Wednesday 9 February 2011

Sing up day!

Today was Sing up day and this afternoon all of year 3 and the rest of Key Stage 2 performed a class song. Every class sang beutifully and even the teachers sang a little song!
Miss Price commented that she had a smile on her face all afternoon!

A special mention to 3I who finished in 2ND PLACE in Key Stage 2! Great work children.

Which class do you think was the best and why?


  1. WELL DONE 3I!

    I thought all of year 3 and 6H were superb!

    But none of the classes were better than the staff song

  2. I think 3w did good. By Adam 3w.

  3. I think 3JP was the best

  4. I think 3W and 5P were the best as well as 6H
