Monday 4 April 2011

Geography week in year 3

All of year 3 have had a busy week in geography week! The highlights included; 3D looked at Argentina and made fabulous buildings out of junk material. 3I looked at Peru and followed the Inca trail and historic beginnings. 3JP studied Uruguay and they especially enjoyed creating Uruguayan art work. 3W looked at Chile and researched into the Chilean miners rescue.
On the last day of geography week, each year 3 class made a South American dish and we all got together to try our food. Here are some pictures from our tasting session!


  1. Looks like year 3 had lots of fun. I think they will have more fun next year in year 4 :)

  2. yum yum we all enjoyed the delicious food and we all had a magnificant party in the whole universe by roshni and vashanthana

  3. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm from nabil
