Saturday 21 May 2011

Olympic training in year 3!

 On Thursday 3D and 3W had a multi skill PE lesson with Year 7 children from Valentines Primary school. All the children had great fun and enjoyed trying out some of the Olympic sports! Here are some pictures from the session.

Sunday 8 May 2011

4000 hits

This evening we had our 4,000th hit on the website!
 Great work from everyone for making sure they have visited the blog! Keep on checking back to see new pictures and information about year 3 at Christchurch Primary school!

Friday 6 May 2011


A few weeks ago Year 3 took part in the Christchurch design an egg competiton! Here are some pictures of our finished work and how we designed the eggs!

Red nose day in year 3

A while ago we celebrated Red Nose day in year 3! We all had a great time. Here are some photos from the day!

Year 3 blog polls

We've just added a few new polls on the blog which you can find on the left hand side of the page! They will change from time to time so keep checking back!

Mr Winkworth

3W paper airplane competition

Here are some videos for how to make a paper airplane! rmemeber to bring in your finished paper airplane by wednesday to win Mr Winkworth's paper airplane competition!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Royal wedding at Christchurch

ROn Thursday 28th May Christchurch primary school celebrated the royal wedding! We all dressed up in red, white or blue and had a great big street party in the playground. We ate lot's of Jam sandwiches and had face paint put on us! 
Here are some pictures of our party!  

2012 olympics at Christchurch

Check out Christchurch's new Olympic blog site!