Monday 31 January 2011

Trip reminder! 3JP + 3W

3W + 3JP
Make sure you bring your reply slips in as soon as possible please!

3W Drama

We're very lucky at the moment as we are are currently having drama with Mr Gibbard in year 3. We have been learning about the Egyptian gods in drama. 

Here is a short video of 3W enjoying their drama lessons. 

Thursday 27 January 2011

3I sing up song

Here are some pictures of 3I practising their sing up song. Click on the pictures to view them full size!

3I were so eager to sing She'll be coming round the mountain' for the Sing up competition taking place at school. Ameenah said
" It doesn't matter if we win or lose as long as we are having fun!"

by 3I
If you want to practise the song at home, click here

This week's year 3 spellings

This week, our spellings are words written either plural and singular. Plural means that there are more than one (e.g. some churches) and singular is just when there is just one (e.g. a church).

bush              bushes           glass                glasses            watch
watches         box               boxes               church            churches
Have a guess at guessing which words are plural and singular and then try to write a sentence with each word in.

Alternatively have a try at finding these words in a reading book and see if you can find any more words which are written in the plural or singular form.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Mr Winkworth's Maths set extension.

Here are this weeks (26th January 2010) maths extension games. Have a try and one or two (or even all) of the games and remember to post a comment below with your first name and class about which game you played and how you found it (and what your high score was!).
A good game for practising the counting on subtraction method.
A really good game for testing your times tables! you have to be quick to answer though!
A game to practice your addition skills!
See if you can work out how the Monkey works out your what your number is!

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Mr Winkworth's maths set homework games

A challenge for you to do as part of your maths homework! Choose one or more of the games below to have a play at home. 

This is a game to practise adding up 3 numbers! It's based on Bargain Hunt. Remember to choose to add 3 numbers and to have a try at some of the harder levels.

This is a su-doku game specially designed for children! You can time how long it takes you to complete the game. 

Alternatively have a try at the Lemonade stand game here

Remember to put a comment below if you enjoyed it, had a problem or got a really good score! (Don't forget to put your name after the comment!)

A bus adventure-Mrs Reece's English group.

Yesterday we went on a journey. We walked to the bus stop and got on the number 150 bus.

We saw lot's of shops out of the windows. We got off the bus and walked past all the different shops. We walked back through the park. It was FUN FUN FUN!

By Mrs Reece's English set

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Theatre trip on Thursday

Remember, remember to bring your reply slips for the trip to the drama centre on thursday back to school!

Lemonade stand!- Mr Winkworth's maths set

Heres a great little game for my maths set to try at home. Its called Lemonade stand and you need to use your buisness and maths skills to create a successful lemonade stand! I finished the game with $50! You have to try and beat that.
Remember to keep on buying ice!

If you have a go at the game, put a comment below saying how much money you made and how you found the game!

Mr Winkworth

Friday 14 January 2011

3W's new years resolutions.

In our class we have been learning about new years resolutions. A new years resolution is where you set a challenge for yourself to complete over one year. Here are some of our resolutions;

Adam's new year resolution is to be polite to his family and friends.
Fayz's new year resolution is to eat healthy food everyday
Shreeharan's new year resolution is to not play on the computer too often. 

Some of 3W with our new years resolution display.
by 3W

Times table squares in year 3 maths sets.

In our Maths set lessons we have been practising our times tables by completing times table squares! Today we had a race to see who could finish it quickest.
All the children completed their times tables square very quickly and tried very hard. Well done to everyone! 

Some children with their completed times table squares
Mr Winkworth's Maths set

Thursday 13 January 2011

Our Class Book

We are reading ‘Theo Slugg in low spirits’. The story is about a boy called Theo Slugg who has a horrible Grandma, who is also a ghost!
We have already read a book about Theo. In the last book he had to find Pete’s pelvis, it was a book with a sticky ending and we really enjoyed it.
In this book he has to save Cringle Tower from being demolished. The villain of our book, Mr Jellicon, wants to pull it down and build a golf course. We think Theo will save the tower.
Our book it written by Simon Goswell. You should definitely go and read it!
Written by Class 3JP

Tuesday 11 January 2011

3D go on a trip to The Wallace Collection!

3D went on a trip to The Wallace Museum on Monday 10th January. We had a great time! We had a go at sketching and painting our own versions of the painting The Rainbow by Paul Ruebens, it was wonderful! Catch our next post when we will tell you about some of the things we learnt while we were there!


Friday 7 January 2011

New year in 3W

Happy New Year!

This week we happily returned back to school. We have enjoyed learning about materials in science, adverbs and capital letters in English and we all made new years resolutions.
We had a new adult in our class to help us called Miss Heudebourck.

By 3W